We only have three weeks left in first semester!
Good job for getting this far.
We need to finish strong.

Monday: Prior Knowledge Activity for Photosynthesis
Tuesday: Photosynthesis Notes
Wednesday: Photosynthesis Skit w/Exit Slip
Thursday: Skit Continued w/Exit Slip
Friday: Mini-Quiz & Photosynthesis Pre-Lab
Week 17: December 7 - 11
Monday: Photosynthesis Lab
Tuesday: Photosynthesis Data Collection & Start Analysis
Wednesday: Photosynthesis Formal Lab Write-Up
Thursday: Complete Lab (10 minutes) then Respiration Activity
Friday: Respiration Notes
Week 18: December 14 - 18
Monday: Cell Review Game
Tuesday: Cell Review Continued
Wednesday: Finals for Periods 1, 2, 3, 4
Thursday: Finals for Periods 5, 6, 7
Friday: No School --> Have a wonderful break! You deserve it!