Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 4: August 31 - September 3

Monday, August 31st
1. Review Carbon Cycle
2. Complete Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycle Notes
3. "What is a Key Fact?" Activity

Tuesday, September 1st
1. Introduce Venn Diagrams
2. Key Fact Location & Comparison Activity with the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles

Wednesday, September 2nd
1. Cycle Assessment: Venn Diagram of Carbon & Nitrogen
2. No Homework
Thursday, September 3rd
All of the science teachers at EHS will be at a conference, so we will have a guest teacher.
1. Biology Video
2. Written Assignment: Compare what you learned about Madagascar in your WebQuest to the information presented in the video. What is similar? What is different?

Enjoy your long weekend. : )
See you all on Tuesday!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 3: August 24 - 28

Monday, August 24
1. Review Bargaining Table Worksheet
2. Brochure Layout Example
3. Start Brochure when Claim has be Approved by Mrs. Noraddin

Tuesday, August 25
1. Complete Brochure
2. Review Presentation Format

Wednesday, August 26
1. Brochure Presentations

Thursday, August 27
1. Complete Presentations
2. Collect Brochures
3. What it means to be safe at EHS

Friday, August 28
The lesson for Friday will depend on where the other biology classes are by this date.
If we are all on schedule, then we will be learning about Keystone Species.
If our classes are a day ahead, then we will learn to play BioViva, an ecology based board game from France.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 2: August 17 - 21

Monday, August 17th

1. Complete Ecology Video

2. Review Video Questions

3. Use biome packet to revise biome descriptions

4. Gallery Walk to complete a graphic organizer on the 6 biomes

Tuesday, August 18th

1. Biology Biome Trivia Game

Wednesday, August 19th

1. Introduce Madagascar Project

2. Discuss Project Rubric

3. Choose groups & roles

4. Begin looking at project website

Thursday, August 20th

1. Class to the computer lab to conduct WebQuest for the Madagascar Ecology Project

2. There will be only one day for data collection

Friday, August 21st

1. Group members will share the data they gathered as Expert Groups

2. Fill in a Bargaining Table worksheet

3. Design rough draft of brochure

4. No homework

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 1: August 13 - 14

Thursday, August 13
1. Teacher Intro
2. Policies & Procedures
3. Totem Pole Ice Breaker
4. Homework: Get Policies signed by Friday, August 21st

Friday, August 14
1. Intro to Biomes
2. Biome Graphic Organizer Gallery Walk
3. Ecology Video w/Guide Worksheet
4. Video Guide Worksheet due by the End of Period